Sorry not having any footage of the show at Outback Hall of Fame but if we showed you the footage all would be revealed. Anyway back to The Blog.
We pulled out of Longreach early as usual and drove the 180 Klm. to Winton, turned onto the Kennedy Development Road which will bring us out at Hughenden 214 Klm. further on and where we will spend the next couple of days. The Winton, Hughenden and Muttaburra triangle is known as the dinosaur trail and if you are interested in dinosaurs, people who we have spoken to say it is well worth the drive. It is not on our things to do list and because the road conditions to Muttaburra are not too good after a few days of rain we dicided to stay put. We spent Sunday and Monday in a caravan park in Hughenden. Tuesday morning July 10 we hooked the van up and headed east on the Flinders Hwy. towards Townsville which would be our next stopover. We had intended to stop at Charters Towers for the night before heading into Townsville the following day. As I had mentioned previously, it had been raining for a couple of days and it was continuing as we travelled today. We were approching the small town of Homestead and in the distance we could see a lot of activity on the road and as we got close we thought there may have been an accident. We pulled over off the road as much as we could, stopped , got out and asked a few questions. It turned out the police had blocked off the highway some 13 Klm. out of town because of water rushing through a floodway. All the vehicles were being stopped at the town because there is no turn around points for large vehicles down the track. As it turned out the water didn't go down enough for anyone to leave until early the next morning,so all the vanners got together and we had our happy hour under our awning, the trouble with the happy hour it went past 4 hours and everyone was very happy. The only ones who didn't enjoy the events of the day and night were all the semi drivers, I did get a chance to have a good chat to a few of them,and got some good info off them. In a little remote town like Homestead we still managed to find a Richmond supporter as you will see in a photo that I will post.
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